Several people frequently debate whether to remove low-engagement films with a low view count or videos with a short viewing time.

Publishing low-quality blogs or articles may result in innovative pricing or penalizing your entire Adsense account to compare with Adsense. Is YouTube the same in this regard? Can one video bring your entire YouTube channel to a standstill? If so, should you delete any videos with low engagement or view counts?

Both yes and no are the answers to this. Your YouTube channel will not be penalised for having low view counts or interaction levels. Each YouTube video is viewed as a separate and unique entity. It doesn’t matter if one of your YouTube videos performs poorly or poorly; neither will impact the other. Every YouTube video is viewed independently and according to its own merits.

Ever pondered whether or not to remove older YouTube videos? After all, many content producers change and produce new kinds of videos as time passes. Wouldn’t it be preferable if the only videos accessible were the newest ones? Conversely, is it wise to save older YouTube videos rather than delete them?

If your older YouTube videos have few views and don’t apply to the content you make, you should erase them. When older films are gaining daily views, removing them is never a good idea because it may stunt your YouTube channel’s expansion.

If you look at other popular channels, you’ll see that some have deleted their older movies while others have not. Depending on the kinds of films you make, leaving your older ones up can help viewers see your progression. On the other hand, there are occasions when it’s preferable to remove older movies so that your viewers cannot access them.

Old YouTube videos: Should You Remove Them?

Have you ever contemplated whether to remove older YouTube videos? Several YouTube content producers debate whether to remove older films from their channels or keep them accessible to the public. Yet, the scenario will determine the response to this question.

Old videos may be removed when content creators dramatically alter the types of videos they produce. Yet it’s vital to remember that you should keep the videos that are regularly seen. A YouTube channel’s growth rate may be impacted by doing this.

It might be a good idea for content producers who make lifestyle vlogs to keep older films accessible to the general public, enabling viewers to observe how the content provider has changed both as a creator and a person who can aid creators in forging closer ties with their audience. By using for boosting YouTube high quality views.

It is ultimately up to you whether or not you erase your older videos. Old videos may occasionally need to be deleted if they are of poor quality and significantly different from the videos currently being produced. There are some situations where saving outdated videos may be advantageous.

Do You Lose Views If You Remove a YouTube Video?

You might wonder if you lose the views on a YouTube video if you delete it. If you delete a video, you will lose the views it received. Moreover, you will forfeit the number of minutes that you watched the video for. You must therefore be selective about the videos you remove from your channel.

And you can keep your videos that have received a lot of views in the past or that consistently receive daily views. Removing these videos will directly impact your channel’s growth rate, which can negatively impact your other videos. It is better to remove outdated and infrequently seen videos.

For instance, it is common for a channel’s most popular videos to be older ones. These videos typically receive new views every day. By removing these films, all of the past and potential future views will vanish along with them, which will have a significant effect on the channel’s success in the future.

You might occasionally need to remove older films with high viewership numbers. They can be radically different from your most recent videos or of inferior quality. In any event, be mindful of the effects of removing content from your channel.

Is Removing YouTube Videos Bad?

Is it wrong to remove YouTube videos at this time? You might be asking. Are there any additional drawbacks to deleting a movie that you should be aware of besides losing views and watch time? Can you remove YouTube videos without experiencing any further adverse effects beyond those we’ve previously established?

When removing your videos, you need to remember to remove every video individually. Deleting a video with a low view count and no active views will not cause harm. However, removing a video that has received a lot of views is not a good idea because doing so will cause the channel in question to lose a lot of viewers.

Content producers frequently remove videos from their channels. Many online content producers launch their channels when they are young, or their equipment could be of better quality. So, removing outdated films can aid in cleaning up the look of their YouTube channels.

Whatever you do, make sure you don’t remove videos that are currently trending or have a lot of views that could delay your channel’s growth and cause problems later. Delete “dead” videos and older, less popular videos from your collection.


Over time, most YouTube content creators will create a range of videos. The videos created a year following a channel’s inception frequently diverge from those created initially. Thus, should you delete old YouTube videos?

Because they won’t harm your channel, low view count or underperforming videos sometimes need to be deleted. You might wish to remove these videos if they’re of poor quality and hurt your YouTube channel’s reputation among viewers. This question’s response is dependent on both your circumstances and the videos.

Remember that if you delete a video, all previous views of that video are also lost. Generally speaking, removing old videos that are no longer relevant or getting no views is a good idea.