Nowadays, if you have any problems with your vision, the first step everyone takes is to use glasses or lenses to deal with your vision, and if still, the problems are not getting better, then you always have the option of surgery. 

Although you can still wear glasses and contact lenses, it can cause a massive inconvenience in people’s lives and sometimes may not positively impact their lifestyle. Thus, people prefer correction surgeries such as lasik and contoura vision. People who go for the correct treatment for their refractive errors in the eyes generally have to consider what surgery they should go for, either contoura vision or lasik (check difference here: . 

This decision can be a little bit difficult. Both of these procedures effectively treat the refractive errors of the eyes, like astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. So let us know more about both surgeries and then compare them to know which procedure is better.

Comparison both of the procedures

Contoura Vision

The procedure of Contura vision is relatively new to the market as it is newly launched; thus, the most advanced technology is available in this treatment. When patients refresh for this treatment, they get their customized treatment plan. 

The procedure begins as follows; first, the surgeon examines the corner of the patient and then creates a detailed map, and then with the help of this map, a customized treatment plan is prepared for the patient. As every patient gets their pressed plan thus, the surgeons can target the issue of the patient in a much better way, resulting in much better outcomes for the patient and reduced risk for any complications.

This plan customization gives contoura vision a better advantage over Lasik. Each treatment is specifically created for the patient; thus, in thi procedure, even the most complex cases of refractive errors get treated. This procedure is also eligible for candidates who, for some reason, could not get the lasik treatment; thus, these patients can undergo the contoura vision treatment and get their desired results.

Another benefit the contoura vision holds over lasik is accuracy. Advanced technology is used in this procedure to create a highly detailed map of the patient’s cornea, which enables the surgeon to target the area which needs the treatment precisely. That is why going under this procedure results in much better visual outcomes and reduces the risk of complications such as halos, glare, and problems with night vision.

One another important thing to be noted about contours vision is that only some are eligible to go through this procedure as its only suitable for some. The procedure of contours vision may cost you more money than a typical lasik surgery and is also not covered by many insurances. Also, the recovery time after a contoura vision lasts longer than a lasik, and patients may experience discomfort during their healing phase.

In contoura vision surgery, the fastest eye tracker machine is used as thus you get a computerized tracking of your eye movement. This tracker ensures that all of the laser pulses are delivered accurately. This also helps get the most precise results by tracking the movements of the eyes during the laser delivery. In the surgery, the optical surface of the eye is nearly perfected by treating the irregularities of the cornea.

LASIK Surgery

On the other hand, lasik is a widely used procedure, and its well-established results after this surgery are highly effective in dealing with refractive errors. In the lasik procedure, a flap is created in the cornea, and then the reshaping of the underlying tissue is done with the help of a laser. This created flap is replaced, and the cornea is left to heal.

Another advantage lasik holds over contoura vision is that the procedure is painless and finishes quickly. The surgery only takes a few minutes per eye, and the patients can quickly return to normal activities in one day or two. Also, the lasik procedure costs less than a contoura vision and is generally covered by insurance.

The main procedure of lasik surgery takes place rapidly. The patient only needs to be in the clinic for about two hours max. The time for the surgeon to complete the surgery in each eye is around 15 minutes. Also, the laser comes in contact with the eyes for only about 60-100 seconds max.

Also another beneficial factor of lasik surgery is its level of predictability. As the procedure has been performed on many patients for such a long time, thus the outcomes of the procedure are highly predictable and well-known. Thus patients feel more confident about getting lasik surgery and feel less comfortable about this procedure.

As the lasik holds its advantages the same way, there are some drawbacks to it also; the procedure may need to be more effective in treating complex cases of refractive errors in some patients as contoura vision. Also, after getting a lasik surgery, the patients may experience side effects such as dry eyes, glare, and halos. Also, how precise the results of treatment will be are limited to the size and shape of the patient’s cornea.

Deciding between both the procedures

So, in conclusion, we can say that both procedures, lasik, and contoura, are proven to be effective in treating the patient’s refractive errors. Everyone has a different opinion about which procedure is better, but the best way to decide which procedure is better should be based on their needs and preferences.

As a patient, if you decide to go for which procedure, then you must be clear about what your expectations are from a procedure as everyone has different if you want a high level of customization and precision from your treatment, then you should go for contoura vision. 

If you want a quick and inexpensive procedure with effective results and high predictability, then lasik is the better option. Also, it would help if you always had a detailed discussion with your eye surgeon, as they can best guide you on what procedure to go for based on your circumstances and needs. 

When you have expert guidance and careful consideration of both options, you can only make the most informed decision and achieve the desired outcome for your eyes. Whether you decide on lasik surgery or contoura vision surgery, both of these procedures hold a high level of potential and work effectively to improve your vision and will enable you to enhance your quality of life.